Sunday, August 30, 2015

Snowman Poetry

Snowman poetry is a 2 stanza paragraph.  The first tells us who (or what, often an inanimate object) and where.  The second has the object personified and talking, then answering the question.

Brainstorming for topics:  He chose Lenae (RPM teacher), girls, otters, guns and hammers as possible topics.

Guns in the army
What is your problem?
Do you hate German friends?
Can you make war stop?

Don't cry silly boy,
I am not the problem.
I am not the enemy.
I am the tool used by good and evil.

Then Teo needed to be a self-critic and critique his writing...positive criticism and how he can improve the poem.

"It is deep in thought.  I am liking the topic for politics."

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